Take Five Minutes to Realign Your Life


Don't stay in a relationship that is sucking you dry.

Don't stay in a job that does not align with your priorities.

Don't keep friendships that are toxic.

Don't stay in a house that doesn't serve your needs anymore.

I did all those things at one point or another in my life. I no longer do. Once I decided I wanted to be the driver of my own life I began to live an authentic, focused life.

The new me, realized that as independent as I was, and as intelligent as I was, I was living a life that wasn't resonating with my soul.

If you wake up and feel that you are not fully happy. You feel like you're just existing in the daily rat race of life. That's when you want to tell yourself that life is too precious a gift to stand on the sidelines and watch it go by. This is YOUR life. Why would you not want to be the director, producer and lead actor in it?

The first step to jumping into that seat is to write down five to seven priorities for your life. You need to get clear about the things that matter most to you that are truly important in your life.

This exercise will begin to bring you clarity and focus. It will help you see if your priorities align with your activities of daily living. If they don't, it may be a great time to re-prioritize your life.


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